Third Party Reproduction/For Egg Donors

For Egg Donors

Egg donation can be a wonderful gift, making it possible for women who have poor-quality eggs or too few eggs to realize their dream of conceiving a child.

If you are considering egg donation, the team of experts at Reach Fertility will provide you with all the information you need to decide whether becoming an egg donor is right for you.  As an approved egg donor, you will receive $7,000 in total compensation per cycle.

Who Can Become an Egg Donor?

If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible to become an egg donor:

  • In good physical and emotional health
  • Between the ages of 21 and 29
  • BMI less than 30
  • No negative inheritable/genetic traits
Who can become an egg donor?

The Egg Donation Process:

  1. Screening
  2. Selection and Matching
  3. Cycle Synchronization
  4. Stimulation
  5. Egg Retrieval
After completing the initial application form, the screening process begins. Potential donors are asked questions regarding their general health, family medical history, and gynecological history. A complete physical evaluation is then completed followed by a personality test.
Selection and Matching
Once selected, a donor meets with a fertility expert who will help her understand the egg donation process. She will also be matched with a recipient couple. Since the egg donor program is confidential, the donor's identity will remain anonymous to the recipient.
Cycle Synchronization
Hormones, often in the form of birth control pills, are administered to coordinate the donor's cycle with that of the recipient. Synchronization may take a few weeks to a couple of months. During this stage, egg donors may experience symptoms like those of PMS or menopause.
After the donor's cycle has been synchronized with the recipient's cycle, the donor will receive follicle stimulating medications. Since each mature follicle produces one mature egg per month, these injections cause multiple follicles to mature. Donors are carefully monitored during this stage of the egg donation process to prevent over-stimulation. Development of the eggs will also be monitored.
Egg Retrieval
Egg retrieval is performed under moderate sedation anesthesia (aka MAC) and takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes. During the procedure, the physician inserts a vaginal ultrasound probe that allows him or her to view the donor's ovaries on a monitor. Then, the eggs are gently aspirated from their follicles.

Potential egg donors may be:

  • Anonymous Donors
    Many donors opt to remain anonymous. An anonymous donor gives her eggs to an infertile woman or couple whose identity also remains anonymous to the donor. Anonymous donors are matched as closely as possible to the physical criteria specified by the prospective recipient.
  • Known Donors
    In some cases, the egg donor is a sister, friend, or relative of the recipient. Some recipients recruit donors on their own.

Compensation for Anonymous Egg Donors

Donors are compensated $7,000 for the completion of a cycle. If the cycle is cancelled due to inadequate ovarian response, the donor will be compensated $75 per day of stimulation completed.

Apply to Be an Anonymous Egg Donor

The first step in the egg donation process is to complete an online history and genetic screening application. Our donor egg department will review your screening questionnaire and you will be contacted to attend one of our informational seminars. 

Click here to apply to become a donor.

Egg Donor FAQs:

The first step in the egg donation process is to complete an online application.  Once submitted, our third party team will review your application and contact you if you are a good candidate for donation.

The timeline can vary but the total process from application to donation is generally 2 to 4 months.

Egg donation does not decrease your own fertility.

Once approved as a donor, you can donate up to 6 times.

Egg donors are issued a compensation check on the same day as their egg retrieval.

Ready to Get Started?
Schedule your consultation with a specialist today.

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